Java DTV API 1.3

Uses of Class

Packages that use Component Main widget package containing the component/container "composite" similar both in terminology and design to Swing/AWT. All components are animatable by potential and additional animations (unrelated to a specific component) can be installed on the fly, transitions between forms are also handled as part of this package. Observable pattern event listeners in the spirit of AWT 1.1's event dispatching architecture, all events are dispatched on the EDT (Event Dispatch Thread). Layout managers allow a Container to arrange its components by a set of rules that would be adapted for specific screen/font sizes. Lists are highly customizable and serve as the basis for ComboBox and other components (such as carousels etc) they employ a similar MVC approach to Swing including the renderer pattern. Painter allows us to draw arbitrary elements of graphics from plain/scaled/tiled images to gradients and pretty much any form of graphic drawing we can imagine. Look of the application can be fully customized via this package, it represents a rendering layer that can be plugged in separately in runtime and themed to provide any custom look. TV specific UI functionality. TV specific UI functionality event subpackage. 

Uses of Component in

Subclasses of Component in
 class AWTComponent
          This class extends the Component class as a special variant, which delegates painting to a wrapped java.awt.Component.
 class Button
          Button is the base class for several UI widgets allowing clickability.
 class Calendar
          Date widget for selecting a date/time value.
 class CheckBox
          Checkbox is a button that can be selected or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
 class ComboBox
          A combo box is a list that allows only one selection at a time, when a user clicks the combo box a popup button with the full list of elements allows the selection of a single element.
 class Container
          A composite pattern with Component, allows nesting and arranging multiple components using a pluggable layout manager architecture.
 class Dialog
          A dialog is a form that occupies a part of the screen and appears as a modal entity to the developer.
 class Form
          Top level component that serves as the top-most visible entity in the UI (directly embedded into the DTVContainer, this Container handles the menus and title while placing content between them.
 class Label
          Allows displaying labels and images with different alignment options, this class is a base class for several components allowing them to declare alignment/icon look in a similar way.
 class List
          A set of elements that is rendered using a ListCellRenderer and are extracted via the ListModel.
 class MediaComponent
          A component allowing us to embed and control rich media content.
 class RadioButton
          RadioButton is a Button that maintains a selection state exclusively within a specific ButtonGroup.
 class TabbedPane
          A component that lets the user switch between a group of components by clicking on a tab with a given title and/or icon.
 class TextArea
          An optionally multi-line editable region that can display text and allow a user to edit it.
 class TextField
          Allows in place editing using a lightweight API without necessarily moving to the external native text box.

Methods in that return Component
 Component Container.getComponentAt(int index)
          Returns the Component at a given index.
 Component Container.getComponentAt(int x, int y)
          Returns a Component that exists in the given x, y coordinates by traversing component objects and invoking contains.
 Component Form.getFocused()
          Returns the current focus component for this form.
 Component Component.getNextFocusDown()
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the down key.
 Component Component.getNextFocusLeft()
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the left key.
 Component Component.getNextFocusRight()
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the right key.
 Component Component.getNextFocusUp()
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the up key.
 Component TabbedPane.getTabComponentAt(int index)
          Returns the tab at index.

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 void Container.addComponent(Component cmp)
          Adds a Component to the Container.
 void Form.addComponent(Component cmp)
          Adds Component to the Form's Content Pane.
 void Container.addComponent(int index, Component cmp)
          This method adds the Component at a specific index location in the Container Components array.
 void Form.addComponent(int index, Component cmp)
          Adds Component to the Form's Content Pane.
 void Container.addComponent(Object constraints, Component cmp)
          Adds a Component to the Container.
 void Form.addComponent(Object constraints, Component cmp)
          Adds Component to the Form's Content Pane.
 void TabbedPane.addTab(String title, Component component)
          Adds a component represented by a title and no icon.
 void TabbedPane.addTab(String title, Image icon, Component component)
          Adds a component represented by a title and/or icon, either of which can be null.
 boolean Container.contains(Component cmp)
          Returns true if the given component is within the hierarchy of this container.
 int Container.getComponentIndex(Component cmp)
          Returns the Component index in the Container.
 int TabbedPane.indexOfComponent(Component component)
          Returns the index of the tab for the specified component.
 void TabbedPane.insertTab(String title, Image icon, Component component, int index)
          Inserts a component, at index, represented by a title and/or icon, either of which may be null.
 void Container.removeComponent(Component cmp)
          removes a Component from the Container.
 void Form.removeComponent(Component cmp)
          Removes a component from the Form's Content Pane.
 void Container.replace(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
          This method replaces the current Component with the next Component.
 void Form.replace(Component current, Component next, Transition t)
protected  void Container.scrollComponentToVisible(Component c)
          Makes sure the component is visible in the scroll if this container is scrollable
 void Form.scrollComponentToVisible(Component c)
          Makes sure the component is visible in the scroll if this container is scrollable.
protected  void Component.scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle rect, Component coordinateSpace)
          Makes sure the component is visible in the scroll if this container is scrollable
 void Form.setFocused(Component focused)
          Sets the focused component and fires the appropriate events to make it so.
 void Component.setNextFocusDown(Component nextFocusDown)
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the down key.
 void Component.setNextFocusLeft(Component nextFocusLeft)
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the left key, this method doesn't affect the general focus behavior.
 void Component.setNextFocusRight(Component nextFocusRight)
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the right key.
 void Component.setNextFocusUp(Component nextFocusUp)
          Allows us to determine which component will receive focus next when traversing with the up key, this method doesn't affect the general focus behavior.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.
static Command title, Component body, Command defaultCommand, Command[] cmds, int type, Image icon, long timeout, Transition transition)
          Shows a modal dialog with the given component as its "body" placed in the center.

Uses of Component in

Methods in that return Component
 Component Transition.getDestination()
          Returns the destination form that should be set once animation is completed.
 Component Transition.getSource()
          Returns the source form which is the form from which the animation is starting.

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 void Transition.init(Component source, Component destination)
          Invoked to set the source and destination forms.

Uses of Component in

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 void FocusListener.focusGained(Component cmp)
          Invoked when component gains focus.
 void FocusListener.focusLost(Component cmp)
          Invoked when component loses focus.

Uses of Component in

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component)
          Adds a Component to this Group.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds a Component to this Group with the specified size.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(Component component)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(Component component)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.add(Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(int alignment, Component component)
          Adds the specified Component.
 GroupLayout.ParallelGroup GroupLayout.ParallelGroup.add(int alignment, Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
          Adds the specified Component.
 void BorderLayout.addLayoutComponent(Object name, Component comp, Container c)
 void Layout.addLayoutComponent(Object value, Component comp, Container c)
          Some layouts can optionally track the addition of elements with meta-data that allows the user to "hint" on object positioning.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(Component comp1, Component comp2, int type)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the two components.
 GroupLayout.SequentialGroup GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(Component comp1, Component comp2, int type, boolean canGrow)
          Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the two components.
 Object BorderLayout.getComponentConstraint(Component comp)
 Object Layout.getComponentConstraint(Component comp)
          Returns the component's constraint.
 int LayoutStyle.getContainerGap(Component component, int position, Container parent)
          Returns the amount of space to position a component inside its parent.
 int LayoutStyle.getPreferredGap(Component component1, Component component2, int type, int position, Container parent)
          Returns the amount of space to use between two components.
 void GroupLayout.linkSize(Component[] components)
          Forces the set of components to have the same size.
 void GroupLayout.linkSize(Component[] components, int axis)
          Forces the set of components to have the same size.
 void BorderLayout.removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
 void GroupLayout.removeLayoutComponent(Component component)
          Notification that a Component has been removed from the parent container.
 void Layout.removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)
          Removes the component from the layout this operation is only useful if the layout maintains references to components within it.
 void GroupLayout.replace(Component existingComponent, Component newComponent)
          Removes an existing component replacing it with the specified component.
 void GroupLayout.setHonorsVisibility(Component component, Boolean honorsVisibility)
          Sets whether the component's visibility is considered for sizing and positioning.

Uses of Component in

Subclasses of Component in
 class DefaultListCellRenderer
          Default implementation of the renderer based on a label see the ListCellRenderer for more information about the use and purpose of this class.

Methods in that return Component
 Component DefaultListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected)
 Component ListCellRenderer.getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected)
          Returns a component instance that is already set to render "value".
 Component DefaultListCellRenderer.getListFocusComponent(List list)
 Component ListCellRenderer.getListFocusComponent(List list)
          Returns a component instance that is painted under the currently focused renderer and is animated to provide smooth scrolling.

Uses of Component in

Constructors in with parameters of type Component
BackgroundPainter(Component parent)
          Construct a background painter for the given component.

Uses of Component in

Methods in that return Component
 Component DefaultLookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)
          Draws and return the TabbedPane cell component (renderer) according to each tab orientation, the borders are getting draws.
abstract  Component LookAndFeel.getTabbedPaneCell(TabbedPane tp, String text, Image icon, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus, Style cellStyle, Style tabbedPaneStyle, int cellOffsetX, int cellOffsetY, Dimension cellsPreferredSize, Dimension contentPaneSize)
          Draws and return the TabbedPane cell component (renderer) according to each tab orientation, the borders are getting draws.

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.bind(Component cmp)
          Every component binds itself to the look and feel thus allowing the look and feel to customize the component.
 void LookAndFeel.bind(Component cmp)
          Every component binds itself to the look and feel thus allowing the look and feel to customize the component.
 void LookAndFeel.drawHorizontalScroll(Graphics g, Component c, float offsetRatio, float blockSizeRatio)
          Draws a horizontal scroll bar in the given component.
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.drawMonthView(Graphics g, Calendar cal, Component mv)
          Invoked for drawing a month view widget.
abstract  void LookAndFeel.drawMonthView(Graphics g, Calendar cal, Component mv)
          Invoked for drawing a month view widget.
 void LookAndFeel.drawVerticalScroll(Graphics g, Component c, float offsetRatio, float blockSizeRatio)
          Draws a vertical scroll bar in the given component.
 long DefaultLookAndFeel.findDayAt(int x, int y, Calendar cal, Component mv)
          Returns the day of the month in the month view at the given relative component X/Y offsets.
abstract  long LookAndFeel.findDayAt(int x, int y, Calendar cal, Component mv)
          Returns the day of the month in the month view at the given relative component X/Y offsets.
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.focusGained(Component cmp)
          Invoked when component gains focus.
 void DefaultLookAndFeel.focusLost(Component cmp)
          Invoked when component loses focus.
 Dimension DefaultLookAndFeel.getMonthViewPreferredSize(Component mv)
          Returns the preferred size for the month view component.
abstract  Dimension LookAndFeel.getMonthViewPreferredSize(Component mv)
          Returns the preferred size for the month view component.
 void Border.paint(Graphics g, Component c)
          Draws the border for the given component, this method is called before a call to background painting is made.
 void Border.paintBorderBackground(Graphics g, Component c)
          Has effect when the border demands responsibility for background painting normally the painter will perform this work but in this case the border might do it instead.
 void LookAndFeel.setFG(Graphics g, Component c)
          Sets the foreground color and font for a generic component, reuse-able by most component drawing code.

Uses of Component in

Subclasses of Component in
 class DTVContainer
          An DTVContainer is the top-level container in the DTV API's component hierarchy, representing the widget containing anything else viewable at on particular Plane.

Methods in that return Component
 Component DTVContainer.getFocusOwnerComponent()
          Obtains the Component contained by this DTVContainer which currently owns the input focus.

Methods in with parameters of type Component
 void DTVContainer.addToBack(Component component)
          Adds a Component to this DTVContainer behind all previously added components.
 void DTVContainer.addToFront(Component component)
          Adds a Component to this DTVContainer directly in front of all previously added components.
 void DTVContainer.pop(Component component)
          Moves the specified Component one level up in the Z-order.
 void DTVContainer.popInFrontOf(Component move, Component behind)
          Moves the specified Component move directly in front of the Component behind.
 void DTVContainer.popToFront(Component component)
          Brings the specified Component to the front of the Z-order in this DTVContainer.
 void DTVContainer.push(Component component)
          Moves the specified Component one level down in the Z-order.
 void DTVContainer.pushBehind(Component move, Component front)
          Moves the specified Component move directly behind the Component front.
 void DTVContainer.pushToBack(Component component)
          Brings the specified Component to the back of the Z-order in this DTVContainer.

Uses of Component in

Constructors in with parameters of type Component
KeyEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int keyCode, char keyChar)
          Constructs a KeyEvent object.
MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger)
          Constructs a MouseEvent object.
MouseEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int x, int y, int clickCount, boolean popupTrigger, int button)
          Constructs a MouseEvent object.
RemoteControlEvent(Component source, int id, long when, int modifiers, int keyCode, char keyChar)
          Constructs a RemoteControlEvent object.

Java DTV API 1.3

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